Architektura w służbie nauki

Dawny Wydział Medyczny we Wrocławiu

Małgorzata Wójtowicz

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The theme of the book is to present the building quarter of institutes and clinics established for the former Faculty of Medicine (Medizinische Fakultät) of the University of Wroclaw and to place it against a broad background of similar urban projects of “districts of institutes and clinics” in German university cities. Moreover, the book aims to show the characteristic typological features and creative solutions of such complexes of medical facilities and to show that between 1887 and 1909 the complex of medical buildings of the Wrocław University was one of the most modern in Germany - and in terms of urban planning and functionality one of the most outstanding in Europe. The decisive factor was the way in which the creators of the buildings reacted to new trends in this type of construction and chose the architectural style. The design of each building was developed according to a formulated utility program and consulted with and approved by the professor running the institute or clinic. The fact that the medical district at Tytusa Chałubińskiego Street (former Maxstrasse) is still the seat of the current Medical University proves how well this architecture served science.

ISBN 978-83-65730-19-0
