Wanna z kolumnadą

Reportaże o polskiej przestrzeni

Filip Springer

16 €

Seven years have passed since the first edition of The Colonnaded Bathtub. But a lot has changed in that time. We finally have the Landscape Act, so eagerly awaited by Marcin Rutkiewicz, one of the protagonists of You Are Only a Glance. We also have a thriving urban movement calling for harmony and spatial order in Polish cities. We have a whole host of architectural icons. But we also have a housing speculative law that allows developers to build their estates wherever they like, without taking into account local zoning plans. And we have the scars, hidden in the ground, of the nearly three million trees that were cut down in Poland during just a few months of the amended law on nature protection known as “lex Szyszko” being in force. All of these changes - for better and for worse - have been the subject of additions to individual texts, as well as new reports that we include in this issue. The colonnaded bathtub of 2020 is almost twice as long as the one of 2013. There are more themes, threads and sequels. The new-old story ends with a report on the problem of Polish space, which cannot be seen at all, but can be heard very well. The pain in my eyes is joined by a pain in my ears.

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Book in Polish only
